Functional Requirements



  • arcUSD

    • Can upgrade contract

    • Can set a supply cap

    • Can set TaxManager address

    • Can set RebaseManager address

    • Can set arcUSDMinter address

  • arcUSDMinter

    • Can upgrade contract

    • Can set the claim delay

    • Can set max age for handling stale oracle data

    • Can add/remove new collateral tokens

    • Can update the oracle for a supported token

    • Can set the custodian address

    • Can set the admin address

    • Can set the whitelister address

    • Can whitelist new minters

    • Can set the coverage ratio

    • Can extend a request’s claimAfter timestamp

  • arcUSDTaxManager

    • Can set the tax rate

    • Can set the FeeCollector address

  • arcUSDFeeCollector

    • Can set the reward distribution

  • CustodianManager

    • Can set the main custodian address

    • Can set the gelato task address

    • Can upgrade the contract


  • arcUSDMinter

    • Can set the coverage ratio

    • Can extend a request’s claimAfter timestamp


  • arcUSDMinter

    • Can whitelist new minters


  • arcUSDMinter

    • Can call mint

    • Can call requestTokens

    • Can call claimTokens


  • arcUSDMinter

    • Can withdraw collateral


  • arcUSD

    • Can set the rebaseIndex

    • Can opt a contract out of rebase


  • CustodianManager

    • Can withdraw funds from arcUSDMinter if available, transferring it to the main custodian address

Last updated